Fixed Layout eBooks: We offer high-quality, fixed-layout ePub conversion services. This highly attractive, instructive, and interactive option is best suited for business guides, academic publications, learning materials, travel guides, restaurant guides, cookbooks, and children’s books.
We provide end-to-end page composition services for both books as well as STM journals using XML and Non-XML workflows. The complexity of our page composition ability ranges from simple text pages to those containing complex mathematical equations; single-column to multi-column layouts; single-colored to multi-colored presentation and custom publishing. We consistently produce high-quality output by utilizing composition software that includes InDesign and QuarkXPress.
We offer high-quality editorial proofreading services. Our professional proofreading team ensures consistency of style and content throughout all publications.
The proofreader will check for spelling, punctuation and typo errors, appropriate words breaks at the end of lines, accurate cross-referencing, and that text alignment, bold type and spaces between sentences and paragraphs are correct. Additionally we will also check if headings, page numbers, figures and tables match the Table of Content.
Our team of experienced editors are experts in a wide variety of subject areas. They revise manuscripts by ensuring a consistent format is imposed, and correct punctuation, grammar and spelling are used. Issues regarding terminology, jargon, syntax, semantics and flow are solved through communication with authors.
Outsourcing Publishing support services to MMSP BPO Services will significantly bring down the operating cost